
Monday, February 10, 2020

January 2020 Finishes

I've been remiss in posting on my blog when I have finishes. I have been updating my 2020 Finishes and Stitch from Stash pages, but haven't been creating an actual post indicating I had a finish. I definitely want to try and start doing better about posting things as I finish them. With that in mind, here are the pieces I finished during the month of January.

January 3 - Two Turtle Doves by Prairie Schooler (Year of Smalls finish #1) - Stitched on 32 ct Platinum Lugana using the called for DMC. This design is from The Twelve Days of Christmas chart.

January 7 - Caroling Cardinals by Blue Ribbon Designs (Year of Smalls finish #2) - Stitched on 40 count Mallow linen (Zweigart) using the recommended DMC. This chart appears in the 2018 Just Cross Stitch ornament issue.

January 9 - Trimming the Tree by Blue Ribbon Designs (Year of Smalls finish #3) - Stitched on 40 count Mallow linen (Zweigart) using the recommended DMC. This chart appears in the 2019 Just Cross Stitch ornament issue.

January 13 - Chicken Joy by Stitching with the Housewives (Year of Smalls finish #4) - This is a freebie chart from Stitching with the Housewives and can be downloaded here from Priscilla's blog. Stitched on 28 count Midnight Lugana from Garibaldi's Needle Works using the called for fibers.

January 19 - Suffrage Act by Little House Needleworks - Stitched on 32 count Colonial Parchment linen from Fabrics by Stephanie using the called for fibers. I stitched this as part of the Suffrage SAL (#swtssuffrage) hosted by Stitching with the Sisterlies, Michelle Bendy, and 2 Martini Stitcher.

January 25 - Be Inkspired by Stitchrovia (Stitch Six finish #1) - Stitched on 32 count Limestone Lugana using mostly called for fibers. I converted a couple of the skin tones as follows:
  • Left Hand (at top of design): 436 and 433
  • Mermaid (lower right): 436, 433, 3859 (blush), 739 (highlights), and 3011 (eyes)

January 27 - Pumpkin House by Shannon Christine Designs - Stitched on 32 count Heartland Lugana by Picture This Plus using the called for fibers. This is a three chart series that I'm stitching together on a single piece of fabric.

1 comment:

  1. What a fabulous assortment of finishes, Mel! I love the BRD ornaments you stitched!
